Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The "Bully Story"

One of my favorite Justice stories had to be the one he told about dealing with bullies. It went something like this:

"Growing up, I was very poor. We didn't have indoor plumbing until I was 14. When I was 11 though, they sent me up to the big county school in Fulton for the 5th grade after going to a one room school for the first 4 grades. Back in those days, lunch was a quarter at school. It was all my family could do to afford that $1.25 a week to buy my lunch. Also in my grade was a bully who was 14 years old. That son of a bitch stole my lunch money everyday and would kick my ass doing it. My teacher was worried and sent a note to my mom telling her about it. She wouldn't give me any extra money to pay for lunch and told me to stand up for myself. So, one day I came in early from recess and I got a chair and put a dictionary in it. As soon as that mother fucker walked in the door I hit that son of a bitch right in the damn nose. Now he whooped my ass......but he decided that hit in the face wasn't worth 25 cents."

I still laugh about that one.

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